USB 3.0 NanoHub (2-port)
The USB 3.0 NanoHub is the world's smallest 5.0Gbps 2-port USB 3.0 hub. The device is specifically designed to allow additional high-speed devices to be installed in the tiniest of spaces, e.g. phone and tablet chassis, laptops and custom electronics projects. The USB 3.0 NanoHub comes with cut-off connectors which can be used to verify functionality and attach devices, making it easier to kickstart your NanoHub-powered project. If the absolute smallest footprint is required, the connectors can be snipped off using side cutters and the solder eyelets can be used to connect USB 3.0 devices.
Technical specifications
| USB 3.0 NanoHub | |
Attribute | Value | Unit |  |
| Min. | Typ. | Max. |
Width | 20.0 0.787 | mm in |
Length | 20.0 0.787 | mm in |
Width incl. connectors | 27.1 1.066 | mm in |
Length incl. connectors | 34.2 1.346 | mm in |
Height | 1.67 0.066 | 1.77 0.070 | 1.90 0.075 | mm typ. (max.) in typ. (max.) |
Weight (incl. connectors) | 1.1 0.038 | g oz |
USB chipset | TI TUSB8020B |
USB speed supported | 12 480 5000 | Mbit/s |
Input voltage (USB compliant) | 4.75 | 5.00 | 5.25 | V |
Input voltage (hub functional)1 | 3.08 | 5.00 | 5.5 | V |
Input current2 Suspend | | 16 | 19 | mA |
Input current2 480Mbps, active | | 68 82 | | mA (1p) mA (2p) |
Input current2 5Gbps, active | | 111 128 | 150 176 | mA (1p) mA (2p) |
Load current Both downstream ports combined | | | 5.0 | A |
ESD protection | No |
Note 1: Voltage at the input eyelet (pin 1). Consider the voltage drop over the input wiring when interpreting this value.
Note 2: Excludes downstream device current, data transfer at full speed in progress. Real average current consumption should be measured in the target application
Application information
The NanoHub is very straightforward in its application; it converts one upstream USB port into two downstream ports, to be used with any USB 1.1/2.0/3.0 compliant device. The hub does not support any charging standards. There is no power switching on the hub; the voltage present on the upstream port is directly connected to the output ports at all times.
Capacitance and power transients
A small amount of capacitance (approx. 20μF combined) is present on the input and output to suppress voltage transients, but this is not sufficient to filter very large transients. If you intend to use this hub with high power consumption devices that can exhibit large power transients (e.g. some types of USB flash drives, USB hard disks, etc.), consider adding additional capacitance on that particular output port.
ESD sensitivity
The USB data lines on the the upstream and downstream sides are very sensitive to ESD damage. Please handle the device according to ESD safe protocols, ensuring high air humidity and a static dissipative workbench. The most common cause of malfunction of the NanoHub (and earlier products I have designed with this and related hub controller chips) is ESD damage to the USB data lines. In other applications, I therefore design ESD clamping diodes on the data lines, but the USB 3.0 NanoHub's data lines cannot tolerate the capacitance of regular ESD diodes. If you wish to only use the USB 3.0 NanoHub in USB 2.0 mode, you can add ESD diodes yourself. Only solder these to the D+/D- data lines, NOT to the TX/RX pairs! Suitable parts are Bourns CG0402MLC-05LG (Farnell 1828730) or NXP PRTR5V0U4D,125 (Farnell 1757869).
Where to buy
The USB 3.0 NanoHub 2-port is sold through NanoHub - tiny USB hub for hacking projects for $21.90/pc.
Design files
The USB 3.0 NanoHub is a closed design. Please do not attempt to reverse engineer (or if you do, do it extremely carefully) as the substrate and trace positioning is extremely sensitive on these high-speed signals. Do this wrong, and you will experience data integrity issues. If you want to design products with high-speed signalling, I highly recommend contacting me personally or consulting another design engineer.